Α Εξάμηνο ΠΜΣ (ΤEΠ-AKE)

Linear Algebra

Module Code Semester Type Hours Laboratories / Seminars   ECTS Instructors
Linear Algebra ΜΘ110 1st Compulsory 4 2L
Vlamos P.
Cartesian products, Relations, Algebraic structures, Tables, Matrix operations, Reverse Matrix, Inverse Matrix. Determinants and their properties, Linear systems, Gauss method, Gauss – Jordan method, Systems solved with the use of inverse matrix, Cramer method, Vector spaces, Kernel and Image of linear mappings, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Matrix diagonalization, Applications in Informatics.

  1. S. Barnett,  Matrices Methods and Applications ,  Clarendon Press, Oxford,  1990.
  2. S. Barnett,  Polynomial and Linear Control Systems, Dekker, 1983.
  3. R. Bhatia, Matrix Analysis, Springer, 1996.
  4. R. Bronson,  Matrix Methods ,  Academic Press,  1991.
  5. S.Campbell and C. Meyer, Generalized Inverses and Linear Transformations,Dover Publ., 1991.
  6. B.N. Datta,  A first course in Numerical Linear Algebra ,  Brooks Cole,  1995.
  7. J.L. Goldberg,  Matrix Theory with Applications , McGraw Hill,  1991.
  8. P. Halmos,  Linear Algebra Problem Book , Amer. Math. Soc. ,  1995.
  9. I. Herstein and D. Winter, Linear Algebra, MacMillan PC, 1988.
  10. P. Horn  and  C. Johnson,  Matrix Analysis,  Cambridge,  1985.
  11. H.D. Ikramov ,  Linear Algebra,  Mir Publ.,  1983.
  12. B. Kolman ,  Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications ,  Prentice Hall ,  1997.
  13. P. Lancaster and M. Tismenetsky,  The Theory of Matrices ,  Academic Press,  1985.
  14. P. Lax, Linear Algebra, J. Wiley, 1997.
  15. D.C. Lay,  Linear Algebra and its Applications,  Addison-Wesley P.Co.,  1994.
  16. S.J. Leon, Linear Algebra with Applications,  MacMillan,  1990.
  17. C. Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, 2000.
  18. W.K. Nicholson,  Linear Algebra with Applications ,  3rd Ed. ,  PWS ,  1995.
  19. V.V. Prasolov, Problems and Theorems in Linear Algebra, Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.
  20. V.V. Voyevodin,  Linear Algebra,  Mir Publ.,  1983.
  21. F. Zhang, Matrix Theory, Springer,  1999.
  22. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Academic Press.
  23. S. Lipschutz, Linear Algebra, Schaum’s Outiline Series.
  24. REA’s Problem Solvers: Linear Algebra, Research and Education Association.
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