
Semester 8

Semester 8

  Compulsory Modules Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Thesis 6
  Compulsory Modules of Specialisation
Information Systems
Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Strategic Management of Information Systems 4 5
2. Information Systems Security Management 4 5
  Compulsory Modules of Specialisation
Humanistic Informatics
 Hours  ECTS Lab/Seminar
 1. Semantic and Social Web  4 5 2L
2. Speech and Audio Processing 4 5 2L
  Elective Modules Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Data Mining and Data Warehousing 4 4
2. Introduction to E-Government 4 4 2L
3. Parallel Programming 4 4 2L
3. Smart Technologies and Applications 4 4
3. Modelling Data and Decision Making Systems 4 4

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