
Semester 7

Semester 7

  Compulsory Modules Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Thesis 6
2. E-Commerce 4 6 2L
  Compulsory Modules of Specialisation
Information Systems
Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Modelling and Simulation 4 5 2L
2. Information Systems and Supply Management 4 5 2L
  Compulsory Modules of Specialisation
Humanistic Informatics
  Hours  ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Language Technology  4 5 2L
2. Entertainment Technology Software and Virtual Worlds 4 5 2L
  Elective Modules Hours ECTS Lab/Seminar
1. Ethical and Legal Issues of Information Technologies 4 4
2. Management of I.T. Projects 4 4
3. Logic Programming 4 4 2L
4. Ιnformation and Κnowledge Representation 4 4
5. Big Data Management Technologies 4 4
6. Informatics in Education 4 4

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