
Erasmus+ Student Mobility

The Department of Informatics, Ionian University offers a body of courses in English language for students that wish to visit the Department using Erasmus+. The courses aggregate a total of 30 ECTS per semester. Each course will be offered only if a total of at least 9 Erasmus+ incoming students wish to attend.

The courses that can be offered in English language are:

Νο Module Semester ECTS
1. E-Commerce Winter 7,5
2. Digital Image Processing Winter 7,5
3. Big Data Management Technologies Winter 7,5
4. Information Privacy and Security Policies and Enhancing Technologies Winter 7,5
5. Speech Processing Spring 7,5
6. Information Retrieval Spring 7,5
7. Semantic and Social Web Spring 7,5
8. Information Systems Security Management Spring 7,5

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