The major objectives of the proposed project are basically twofold, the development of a suitable methodology to allow the automated analysis of the complex interdependencies and the main and side effects respectively, of different drugs associations as well as to detect the risks in different prescriptions, in case of particular pathologies and diagnosis, and the development of a certain classes of algorithms for automated assistance in radiotherapy.
The study is going to be developed on the basis of medical information and expertise supplied by the partners. The intended results are a package of special tailored algorithms for automated analysis of consequences in simultaneous administration of different drugs and the development of a system to assist the therapeutic decision in order to detect the possible incompatibilities and risk factors. The development of a methodology for risk evaluation in prescribing different therapies for a given diagnostic is also intended, in order to obtain in integrated assistance system of medical decision. The resulted methodology will include developments to allow higher autonomy and mobility degrees of patients through automated monitoring and personalized card. Two risk categories are of a particular interest: the former is the risk of involved by the human factor represented by physician who decides the diagnostic on the basis of incomplete and often inaccurate knowledge about both, the true health state of the patient and on main and side effects of the prescribed drugs and their associations. The latter risk category is represented by the incompleteness and the subjectivity of the knowledge supplied by the patient concerning the past history of both, the evolution of the health status and possible previous therapies. The developments intended in the framework of the projects aim to quantize each of these risk types, to measure them quantitatively, to obtain a hierarchy according to the their effects on health status.
The automated system TARD is thought as an active component of the informational society in Romania, embeddable in a more general national system as for instance the retirement because of health reasons, the recommendations for medical assistance in special treatment places, to contribute substantially to the improvement of the medical assistance services.
The most important expected consequences of the studies developed in the framework of the project are: to improve the prevention of diseases caused by the administration of incompatible drugs, to allow early and personalized diagnosis of several diseases, to allow an efficient and robust infrastructure in monitoring patients by transferring into medical practice the clinical medical research combined to the modern specialized technologies.