

SWEB : «Secure, Interoperable, cross border m-services contributing towards a trustful European cooperation with the non-EU member Western Balkan countries»


In all West Balkans the penetration rates for mobile services are more than double that of fixed lines. This gives the advance to the regional public administrations to skip a step and enter directly the mobile Government. Enabling Western Balkan governmental organizations with the ability to provide secure m-services to other European public organizations and citizens holds a lot of future prospects by strengthening the fundamental structure of these organizations, by enhancing the European collaboration and by contributing towards the solution of difficult pan-European problems like illegal immigration/employment and money laundry.

SWEB directly contributes to the above-mentioned aims respecting the relevant European legislation, policies and European strategies. Its overall objectives are: to develop a secure, interoperable, open, affordable platform upon which two secure cross border government services will be built:

  • Residence, Employment certification and permits issuance, in which a public organization or individual citizens’ residence certification and permits and employment documents (work permits) may be securely issued, requested, sent and audited. This service will enhance the prevention of illegal immigration and employment and the secure movement of citizens in the European continent.
  • Electronic/Mobile Invoicing has a pivotal role in all the stages of handling Value Added Tax (VAT) for European Member States. Through e/m-invoicing, tax administrators will be able to implement new tools and procedures to carry out alternative controls. This service prevents money laundry and promotes secure investments in the region.

The SWEB platform and services will be demonstrated, tested and evaluated in Municipalities and Cities of seven EU and non-EU Members. A preliminary list of candidates for the SWEB Advisory Committee has already been formulated, which will monitor and enhance the results in order to provide fundamental impact on the policy field.


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