
Management of IT Projects

Module Code Semester Type Hours Laboratories / Seminars ECTS Instructors
Management of IT Projects  ΔΟ500  6 Elective 4
Sioutas S.
Introduction to Project Management, Project Proposal Writing, Project Profiling, Project Phases and Organization, Understanding and Meeting Client Expectations, Working with People on Projects, Communication Technologies, Starting a Project , Project Time Management , Estimating and Managing Costs, Managing Project Quality, Managing Project Risk, Project Procurement and Closure. 

  1. “Διαχείριση έργων πληροφορικής”, Κιουντούζης Ευάγγελος Α., Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, ISBN 978-960-351-235-4, 1999
  2. “Διαχείριση έργου – project management”, Burke Rory, Εκδόσεις Κριτική, 978-960-218-289-5, 2002
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