

Cultural Understanding through Learning and Technology (CULT)

Project CULT aims to create a cooperation platform between schools that reside in rural areas of Europe. For this purpose, we are employing both established and novel interaction and communication technologies. Moreover, we are working closely with schools and teachers, in order to leverage their ability to adopt and adapt technologies in ways that are suitable for their skills and needs.

CULT (MC-ERG-2008-230894) is a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG) project funded by the European Commission (EC) under the 7th Framework Program (FP7).

The project is hosted by the Department of Informatics, Ionian University (Corfu, Greece). The project start date is 1st January 2009 and the final date is 31st December 2011.

Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Chrissikopoulos
Fellow Marie Curie: Dr. K. Chorianopoulos
URL: http://cult.di.ionio.gr


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