Networks, Multimedia and Security Systems Laboratory (NMSLab)
The Networks, Multimedia and Security Systems Laboratory (NMSLab) supports both educational and research needs of the Department of Informatics, as well as other departments of the Ionian University, related to computer networks, multimedia and security.
The education role of NMSLab is to support courses in computer networks, multimedia systems with respect to cultural applications, computer security, cryptography, information systems security, distributed systems, information theory in the undergraduate level. In the postgraduate level, similar courses are given with a research flavor focusing on new issues and challenges in the area. Undergraduate and postgraduate theses are also supported as well as preparing any relevant educational material required (e.g., notes, presentations).
The main focus of the computer networks research actions is on:
• Ad-hoc networks
• Wireless sensor networks
• Cloud networking
• Distributed, mobile and context-aware computing
The main focus of the multimedia research actions is on three dimensional (3D) modelling techniques to capture the idiosyncrasies of both human-made and natural environment for:
• Preserving cultural and natural heritage,
• Promoting local culture,
• Developing educational applications,
• Advancing new technologies in the area of virtual reality
The main focus of the systems security research actions is on the use of cryptographic techniques for protecting security and privacy in distributed information environments. Specifically:
• Security and Privacy in MANETs and VANETs,
• Privacy-preserving Data Mining,
• Security and Privacy in Location Based Services,
• Information security risk assessment and management
• Information security policies
• Secure Communication in Distributed Sensor Networks
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