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Special Issue in Computational Aspects Related to Unconventional, Bioinspired and Quantum Methods

The following special issue, of which we are the guest editors will be published in “Computation” (ISSN 2079-3197,, and is now open to receive submissions of full research articles and comprehensive review papers for peer-review and possible publication. 

Special Issue: Computational Aspects Related to Unconventional, Bio-Inspired and Quantum Methods


Guest Editors:
Dr. Theodore Andronikos,
Dr. Dimitrios Tsoumakos,
Dr. Spyros Sioutas,
Dr. Ioannis Panagis and
Dr. Konstantinos Giannakis

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 January 2017

Given your interesting work on the theme and related disciplines, we personally invite you and your colleagues to submit a contribution for this special issue in which some of the leading experts will describe their work, ideas and findings.

Authors can take advantage of benefits including: Open Access; No Copyright Constraints; Rapid publication; Thorough Peer-Review; No Space Constraints, No Extra Space or Color Charges; Low Fees (350 CHF). 

Please also note if your paper is submitted before 1 January 2017, it will be free of charge.


  • natural computing
  • quantum computing
  • quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms
  • molecular and DNA computing
  • chemical computing
  • molecular machines incorporating information processing
  • membrane computing
  • neural networks
  • evolutionary computing
  • computation graphs
  • computation on networks and graphs
  • computing based on dynamical systems
  • non-standard approaches
  • fuzzy computing
  • computation approaches going beyond the Turing model
  • application of non-standard computational methods
  • physics of computation
  • non-traditional approaches to classical problems
  • parallel computing
  • algorithms based on ant colonies, bees foraging etc.
  • logics of unconventional computing
  • physical limits to mechanical computation
  • unconventional methods in education and learning approaches
This special issue is supported by the research group QUIT affiliated with the Dept. of Informatics of the Ionian University.
QUIT’s website:

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