ADRIATinn project Final Conference

ADRIATinn aims to increase the competiveness of the Adriatic area SMEs (i.e. help them maintain the market share they currently have) and their extroversion capability (i.e. extent their business and penetrate to new markets) through a cross border ecosystem that fosters ICT adoption, innovation and specialization, incorporating solutions proposed by specialized R&D institutes, which, in their turn, will be adopted as guidelines by the public authorities (i.e. regional governments) of the area.
ADRIATinn conference is organized during the project’s last month in order to disseminate the achievements and the lessons learned during the project implementation. Focus will be provided to the project outcomes and results as well as a review of the current status of SME sustainable development in EUSAIR region through the participation of distinguished invited speakers from academia, business, investors and EU authorities domains.
Conference will take place at the Ionian Academy, Corfu, Greece from Wednesday 21 Septemer 2016 until Friday 23 September 2016
For more information look here
The Programme is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)