
At CIE2024, the submitted manuscripts are aimed at two distinct categories: those that target the Conference and those that target the International Journal. These are identified by the respective formatting of their texts, as each category follows a different formatting template. Therefore the authors must choose the suitable template based on their preference. The manuscripts are submitted in full form for review via the Easychair platform ( In the case you do not have an easychair account you have to make one, prior to manuscript submission. The papers undergo double-blind review.

A. Articles for the Conference or the Journal
Submission of (full) article for review            15/6/2024 - 30/7/2024
Reviewers' response                                                 25/9/2024
Submission of final article for proceedings                 5/10/2024
Authors' registration (deposit to bank account)        10-15/10/2024
Conference: 8 Fri & 9 Sat (online only), 10 Sun (with physical presence at the University of Piraeus and simultaneously online)

B1. Articles for (only) the Conference
Language: The language of the submitted manuscripts can be either Greek or English. The presentation is preferably to be in Greek due to the language of the Conference, but English is also acceptable.
Structure: Follow the specific Conference template (here or here as docx ), with a length of 8 to 10 pages and file type Microsoft Word or LibreOffice (not PDF to allow reviewers to check the formatting). It is recommended to copy your text into the template file to ensure proper formatting and use the "format painter" tool to inherit the properties in parts of your text; then remove the template text and save it with the name of your preference.). The Conference proceedings are published electronically and posted on the website either during or immediately after the Conference. They also contain separate sections for workshop presentations, speeches, and round table discussions (format 1-2 pages), as well as the abstracts of the journal articles. The articles, under the responsibility of the Authors, must be their original work and NOT previously published or simultaneously submitted to other Conferences, complying with the terms of "non-Plagiarism".
Workpapers and other activities do not follow self-uploading like articles but are done through special one-on-one communication between the committee and the members of the activity.
B2. Articles targeting the journal
Language: Articles should be developed and submitted exclusively in English. Their presentation should be preferably in Greek due to the language of the Conference, but English is also acceptable.
Structure: Follow the specific Journal template (pdf or doc), with a maximum length strictly on 8 pages. The file type must be either Microsoft Word or LibreOffice format. It should be noted that submissions in PDF are not allowed, to enable reviewers to check the formatting. After the acceptance process: a) The article is presented at the conference, and only the abstract is included in the proceedings, with an e-certificate of presentation provided to those who present it. b) The article, after final corrections, is submitted to the journal for publication.
*If an article is deemed unsuitable for the Journal, with the option that it is “suitable (only) for the Conference”, then the author has the option to convert the submitted manuscript to the Conference template. Then a second review is being held to ensure the format compliance with the conference proceedings The articles, under the responsibility of the authors, must be their original work and not previously published or simultaneously submitted to other Conferences, complying with the terms of "non-Plagiarism".

C) General guidelines for Conference and Journal articles. Submission method - Cost
Submission method: Authors submit their original work (which must not have been submitted or published to another conference or journal) through the Easychair submission website ( link for Easychair/CIE2024 ) (instructions  gr en ). Make sure that the required information is correctly entered on Easychair. For example, for Authors, Title etc, absolute consistency in the writing of names in agreement with the article details is required. The language of submission must be the same with the language of the article. For instance, if the article is in Greek, then all details must be in Greek with proper capitalization, such as Authors, title, text, etc. Similarly, if the manuscript is in English, then all details should be in English. In the initial submission, the article has a blank area (as many blank lines as the details) for the identifying information, for blind review purposes. These are included in the final version. It is not acceptable for someone to participate in more than three articles or for a paper to be a monograph by a student.
In case of particular difficulty, communication is possible via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

D) Article costs, certificates and Conference Attendance
a) Conference Articles: The cost is 25€ (per article, regardless of the number of authors) and includes the electronic proceedings and the sending of an e-certificate for the presenters.
b) Journal Articles: The cost is 150 euro up to the size of 8 pages (each additional page is charged with 10 euros), plus 24% VAT if an invoice is required. It includes the journal's e-proceedings, the Conference's e-proceedings, and the e-certificates of the presenters at the Conference. The financial settlement of the article is made by deposit into an EPY account announced after the article reviews. Regarding the Certificates (presentation), it is emphasized that they are issued only to those who present an article. No certificate is issued for writing, as this is evidenced by the proceedings with an ISBN, which include both the committees (e.g., reviewers) and the authors-articles.

) Conference Attendance

Attending the Conference: a) Fri 8 & Sat 9 November 2024 is done remotely in e-rooms via Zoom and simultaneously via Live Streaming (YouTube) through links listed in the program at that time. b) Experientially (Sun 10/11) at the University of Piraeus and simultaneously remotely {as mentioned in a)}. It is free of charge, with e-certificates (mail) and proceedings received from the Conference website. Obviously, no certificate is provided for attendance via Live Streaming, only in e-rooms or with physical presence.



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