Topics of Interest


The conference focuses on Information Technology and ICT, with an emphasis on Innovation and Interdisciplinary approaches that integrate digital technologies in education, including hardware and software.

It aims to combine innovative educational technologies with advanced learning processes. Emphasis is placed on the techniques used, and on the promotion of tools and alternative processes that take place at all levels of a modern educational system, which is adapted to the needs and demands of the digital age.


The subject matter of the articles is related to Information Technology as well as to all areas that include Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education.


    • Informatics in Education, both in Greek and in the international reality at all levels and types. Study programs, methodologies
    • Teaching Information Technology (at every level and type of education)
    • Programming and environments
    • Intelligent virtual environments. Virtual worlds. Educational games
    • Information Technology and ICT Hardware and Software
    • Physical Computing / Educational Robotics
    • School workshops, Panhellenic School Network, Gunet, Cloud. The modern curriculum. Hardware, Software, Innovations, Teaching, training and collaboration methodologies
    • Educational software. Open software and hardware in education
    • Internet technologies and education. Social networking. Security and Internet
    • Cooperative learning, environments, methodologies
    • Distance education (e/m/u Learning): methodologies and environments
    • Adult education
    • Training, Evaluation
    • New technologies and methodologies in the education of the disabled
    • Good Practices and Excellence: Informatics, ICT-New Technologies, Innovation, Physical Computing/Robotics
    • Artificial Intelligence and Education
    • Innovation and training (using hardware and software)
    • STEM methodology (using hardware and software)

Target Audience:

  • Institutions and associations of the educational system related to IT and digital technologies
  • Informatics Educators
  • Teachers of all levels of education with an interest in digital technologies and innovative Methodologies with Programming
  • Teachers of all levels of education with an interest in digital technologies and innovative Methodologies with Programming
  • Members of educational activities


Conference: Greek

Articles: Greek or English (excluding those with target the magazine which must be in English only)





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