Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium

Call for Submissions and Participation


Friday, September 28th, 2018 (beginning 11am)


Corfu, Greece (Ionian University, Department of Informatics, 7 Tsirigoti Square)


Dov Te’eni, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Aggeliki Tsohou, Ionian University, Greece

Faculty members

Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada

Antoine Ηarfouche, LAIS Lebanon

Lapo Mola, University of Verona, Italy

Alvaro Arenas, IE University, Spain

Angeliki Poulymenakou, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Angelika Dimoka, Temple University, United States

Tutorial on writing review papers – Frantz Rowe, University of Nantes, France

The MCIS Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium

The MCIS Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium seeks to help Information Systems doctoral students in the latter part of their doctoral studies and IS faculty in the early stages of their career to develop an effective career plan based on their personal and professional goals. The consortium has two primary objectives:

  1. provide networking opportunities for students with peers and faculty, and

  2. help students strategize about their research, teaching, and career plans

Application Criteria

Doctoral students wishing to participate in the MCIS 2018 Doctoral Consortium should be investigating an Information Systems-related topic for their dissertation.

Junior faculty wishing to participate in the MCIS 2018 Doctoral Consortium should be at the early stage of their career (within 5 years of PhD completion).

The consortium chairs will review each application (DUE DATE: July 18th, 2018 – see application requirements below). The review process emphasizes applicants’ accomplishments and potential. Multiple students may apply from one school.

Application Process

Submit the following materials via email to by July 18th, 2018.

Create a SINGLE pdf file that includes all of following three documents and submit the single pdf file via email. Include your name in the pdf file name.

  1. Completed application form (download attachment)

  2. Extended abstract of your dissertation [for doctoral students] or current research project you would like to discuss (you can also provide a statement of research interests) [for junior faculty]. The text should not exceed two single-spaced pages.

  3. Curriculum vitae

The number of participants in the Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium is limited to create an effective and intimate forum.

Applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance to attend the Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium by July 31st, 2018.


Participants to the consortium will need to register to the MCIS 2018 conference. Please refer to the registration page for registration fees.