17th Conference on Informatics in Education (17th CIE2025)

7- 9 November 2025

November 7 and 8 as a Digital-conference (online), and as synchronous meeting at Piraeus University with online attendance 9 Nοvember 2024. 


16th Conference on Informatics in Education (16th CIE2024)

8 - 10 November 2024

 The 16th Conference on Informatics in Education (16th CIE2024) is organized by the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus, the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University, and in collaboration with the Greek Computer Society (GCS/ΕΠΥ). The conference is scheduled to be held as a Digital-conference (online) November 8 and 9, and as synchronous meeting at Piraeus University with online attendance 10 Nοvember 2024. 

                                           More information (program etc) in the Greek Version

The attendance and the e-Certificates will be free of charge

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Informatics in Education (Innovative proposals and/or practices in the theoretical and applied science of Informatics as well as interdisciplinary approaches, such as STEM, Physical Computing, Robotics etc with integration of hardware and software). AI technology and Education.
  • ICT in Education - Innovation (Educational Innovative proposals and/or practices using digital technologies in all subjects and interdisciplinary approaches including hardware and software)

CIE 2024 aims to provide an effective channel of communication among educators, teachers, and researchers (from primary, secondary and tertiary education) concerning the latest research, scientific development, and practice on Informatics in Education.

You are invited to participate and submit original work to this event.

  • Conference papers in Greek or English, Journal papers in English

The conference papers after peer review process and acceptance:
a) will be published in the electronic proceedings of the Conference, with ISBN
b) will be published on the Conference website, providing the opportunity for online finding.

The journal papers (which must be written in English) after peer review process and acceptance: will be published in an international scientific journal. The papers are also presented at the Conference (the abstract of the papers is included in the Conference proceedings). If the submitted paper is not accepted for the journal, the authors can submit it to the Conference. Journal: European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research (EJ-ENG). Previous Issues














All papers in this issue (2023) have been assigned DOI numbers. The publications will be indexed in Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, ScienceOpen, and Road.

Conference sponsors





Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς


 Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο









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