You have just finished school and you’re about to go to the university. You have already chosen the departments you wish to study at. Now, the only thing to know is the place you are going to stay at for the next 4-5 years. Suddenly, here comes the news: you will go to Corfu. At first, you are going into a shock. And that’s normal: you don’t know how it’s going to be, whether you are going to survive or not. Well, don’t you worry. Corfu is a nice place to study at. Quiet, but interesting. As long as you are willing to explore it.
A common saying notes that “the first step is always the hardest”. And that’s true. The first semester in Corfu, which includes the arrival on the island and the first period of adjustment there is very difficult. As a student, you will face problems on your housing, your staying in the island and your entertainment. Let’s be honest. The cost of living in Corfu is expensive. House rents and prizes in markets, cafeterias and restaurants are sufficiently high. In addition, it’s a bit difficult to find ways to entertain yourself in the beginning, as Corfu is a touristic place and student haunts are “hidden”. Last, but not least, weather isn’t at all helpful, as it’s mostly rainy and windy. No umbrella survives here, as it either breaks because of the wind or it gets stolen! However, student life in Corfu doesn’t only have negative points.
In Corfu, at first you’ll be crying to come. After a while, you’ll be crying to leave. It’s not only its lovely beaches, its memorable history and its traditional narrow alleys in the Old Town which contribute to this change. The musical culture of the island, as well as the variety of ways of entertainment it provides once someone begins to explore it can also contribute to making someone fall in love in this place. In Corfu, you can go for a coffee, beer, drink some wine in one of the small taverns in the Old Town, attend a party organized by university students. Or you can just go for a walk to Spianada and Liston square, to the Old Fortress or somewhere away from the center of the town. Also, here, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the rich musical culture of the island, which sustains its splendor. Finally, university students form an important part of the society. They often organize various events, not only in the center of the town, but also in the countryside, which awaken the interest and fascinate the citizens of the island. One of these events is TEDxIonianUniversity, which was firstly organized in 2019 and this year comes back to rock the boat in Corfu during spring 2020.
Being a student in Corfu may seem difficult in the beginning. However, after a while, you will understand that you will have a great time, gain experience and make new friends. And at the end, you won’t want to leave it.